Friday, October 20, 2017

This website confirms what we told you.

When I said that now RAW has created its agents within Shia Muslims also, many people asked for proof and were surprised.

This website confirms what we told you....

You can read its contents and know that this is totally RAW backed lies, disinformation & propaganda by this so called Shia site. It is spreading such fantastic lies that even an ordinary man can see that it is plated site by enemies.

I talked to Izhar Shigri, the General secretary of top Shia org MWM. He said that even MWM do not know who runs this Shiit News site.

Know this well. This is a RAW created, RAW managed site pretending to be Shias and have some shias from Pakistan running it.


thanida said...

Thanks, for giving me such useful information. I’ll definitely take care of it in the future.

Anonymous said...
